How to make your own Tuas :)
As some of you might know, our fishing trip did not fully fire-off as expected :) Alhamdulillaah we made it to the small pekan of Yan, and went all the way to Jeti Kuala Dulang Kecil... but we had to postpone our intentions due to unpredictable and possibly fatal waves, a.k.a. alun a.k.a. ombak :) For a full repot, I reccommend Mr. Azrul Hazri Jantan a.k.a. Son of Jantan Malacca's blog :D hehehehe... He tells the whole story there.
Annywayz... since the trip was cancelled, I not be placing any pics related to the trip. Maybe later insya-Allaah.
For now, I think let us all learn, how to make our own Tuas-es... :) What is a Tuas? Well, it's basically a spot, or location, in the middle of the sea, where suppossedly fish (namely the TENGGIRI) will prefer to singgah. Below are two examples taken from :)
Normally, tuas-es will be named after somebody. It's usually (or always?) the guy who set up the tuas. Example: TUAS PAK CHOT, or, TUAS PAK MAMUT, or even TUAS MAT NABIL TAJUDEEN. How to make the tuas? well, as you can see from the above pics, it's basically bamboo sticking out of the ocean! :) But do not be too amazed for the bamboos do not go ALL THE WAY DOWN to the ocean floor. The raw materials for a tuas are:
These are buluh or bamboo :) As you can see, they are quiet long :)
In northern-malaysian accent, this is referred to as the "KOQ". As in pulau pang-koq? :)
Ok. Anywayz, what happens is that, the Koq and the bamboos will be brought to a parcitular spot in the ocean. How they determine this spot, I have no idea. Firstly, the bamboos will be tied together. Then, it will be tied again to the koq. If I heard correctly, some coconut leaves will be used to cover the rope that ties the bamboos to the koq (maybe to prevent fishies from chewing on them?). In the end, they just DROP the koq into the ocean... and there you have it.
All you have to do now is hope that the fishies come by, so that you can fish them out of the sea! :D
Okes. That is how you make a tuas... from what I heard lah. But to cofirm, you can always ask any nelayan from the northern seas of Yan Kedah :D
So now, jom kita pi buat TUAS FSKTM :) Or Tuas Jabatan Multimedia or even Sistem Maklumat :D
Assalaam aleykom WBT :)
hmm tuas fsktm tu nk letak mane? kat tasik depan tu kaa? ok gak.. byk haruan kan :p
buleh saja aku rasa. Nama tuas tu kita kasik nama Tuas Dr Az... Az... Az.... Azmaan. :)
Haruan buat pe nak buat tuas :P Kita letak satu kat laut Yan ni. Lepas tu kita apply gran utk beli bot satu... kata la nak buat research pasal fish movement di laut supaya dapat bantu nelayan meramal kelakuan ikan dengan lebih terperinci :) Guna teknik2 komputer vision dan jugak sound/audio sonar technology :) Insya-Allaah dapat :D
UPM R.U. FOREVAH!!! and apex one day insya-Allaah?
kire wat cross dept ngan dept perikanan la nnt...
pas2 propose wat tuas kat stewart island plak.. nk kaji sama ada behavior ikan sama jek kat memane hihi
ehh dlyn...dah singgah adelaide?amacam seronot ka?ataupun beronot-ronot? :D
nie apa da mamat,semangat nk buat Tuas FSKTM, Tuas Jab Multimedia neh :p Tuas kat school nie pun tak siap2 lagi..huarghh..bilakah Tuas School nie nk siap nie..ekekeke..
nnt insya allah kita cuba usahakan gran utk projek yg ko mentioned :) kok mana le tau leh dapat sebijik bot :p ayuh ber"phd" mamat :)
bot puteh... bot puteh... baru le best. siap ada air con dan toilet yg tertutup. baru la aku buleh buang air kecil.
i cannot go in public :(
perghh.. aku ingatkan tuas tu sama ngan tuak .. cuak aku seketika.. :p~
sggh adelaide 27 nov nnt..
ade sebulan lg..
nntkan gamba2 nostalgia tuh hehehe
kok tuak yaya? tapi kalau nak bawak tuak g buat tuas buleh gak. cuma kalau dah minum, dan lepas tu menyelam ke dalam laut nak adjust koq tu, ada chan besar tak naik balik :) sebab tuak akan membuatkan kau rasa seronok duduk di tuas, dan as a result menjadikan koq tersebut tempat tinggal buat selama2 nya :D
Well, it's not exactly a lukah right? Tuas? Macam Tukun ke?
u can say that oso la... tukun for ikan2 mangsa :)
sebab tenggiri is considered a pemangsa. kalau ikut kata nelayan2 tu, nanti ikan2 mangsa akan pot kat koq tu... and lepas tu insy-Allaah bile tenggiri nak carik makan, dia orang (or dia ekoq to be more technically correct :P) akan pi ke koq utk bedal ikan2 tu. Tapi... kalau nasib x baik, dia orang yg kena bedal dek either ikan alu2 yg besar... or pemancing2 macam aku dan encik azrul hazri jantan :D
tue sebab kalau jenis pemancing yg membiarkan umpan di dasar laut sambil menunggu ikan makan umpan (teknik nie dipanggil "bottom fishing") wajib peka dan sensitif dgn ragutan ikan...sebab kalau lambat sikit pasti ikan tue melilau keluar masuk koq tue and menyebabkan tali pancing bersimpul kat koq tue...jawabnya gunting la,dan rugilah tali pancing sepanjang hampir 40 meter :(
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