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After my Thursday Seminar Presentation - Relating to my PhD work of course...


Assalaam aleykom WBT...

Thought of writing down what I think I should do after receiving comments regarding a presentation I did last Thursday...

  1. Table-ize (men-table-kan :P) all the literature that I've referred to in order to come up with my current work: For LITERATURE and MOTIVATION purposes (and also for hypothesis writing...)
  2. Find a way to convey the crystallized idea of my work. I think... I have formed that crystal... but it is in a very2 rough condition, and needs a lot of polishing to show it's sparkle! SPARKLE ON OH CRYSTAL BALL!!!
  3. Do 1 and 2 first! Hahahaha! Cannot do too much at one time... I will definitely lose focus and start to think of fishing :D Which, insyaAllaah I and Azrul will be doing somewhere this month.
So this is what I will be doing relating to my PHD work. My PHD by the way, is turning out to be a 'systems' sort of PHD...  might also be similar to what SERVICE SCIENCE, MANAGEMENT and ENGINEERING (SSME - currently being promoted by IBM) is all about... I think...

Okes. Let's table-ize the work of past giants! Mostly giants from China, China-USA, Spanish and also Singaporeans. None from Malaysia though... where to find eh? Or am I looking in the wrong places? (Already looking thru Engineering Village, IEEE, ACM and Elsevier....)

Orait. Bye2 :D Assalaam aleykom WBT...


dLyn aZmi said...

progress hang maju x?
aku tgh pulun gak ni..
getting harder n harder...

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