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Buy your PhD degree fro USD180!!!

Hahahaha! If buying a PhD was ever so legal... ethically I mean, I think I'd already be swiping my CC :P But alas, the core of the PhD is that it in itself is a training process. So, you can't buy the training experience , but you sure hecks can purchase the 'training-kits' - the semester fees etc.

I don't know how, but some websites claim that they can provide you with a degree (Bachelors, Masters or even PhDs) just in a matter of days! One particular website promised to deliver within 5-days. Hmmmm... Not a new thing, but forever will it be weird.

I read once that you can get the degree (at one website, referred to as Instant Degree?) based on what you already know. How is this possible ek? And some websites go further to claim that the degrees are from reputable institutions... which I highly doubt. They also list out what you will get after buying their degrees:
  • Make more money 
  • Qualify for management positions 
  • Start being considered for promotions on your job
  • Have the once piece of paper that will open up a world of opportunities for you and your family
  • Finally get over the hump that has held you back for so long
  • Get your degree without having to take out a huge loan from the government to enter college
  • Have a degree in your chosen field 10 times faster than you would attending school for two, four, six, or even eight years 
  • Impress your friends and family with your college credentials and have them wondering how on earth did you ever have time to get a degree 
  • Experience all of the advantages that having a college degree brings without having to do any of the hard work to achieve it

Indeed these opportunities exists if one has a good piece of paper... but it doesn't mean that these things WILL happen, ye dok? Furthermore, with a bought degree? Aiyaa... Mmg de very2 pelik one. Especially if it's a PhD (which the website is offering for USD180!)... At the moment, I am struggling to make ends meet for my own PhD... and to have someone say that you can just buy one just like that? Simply makes me fenin.

Anywayz, I've just actually scratched the surface of these instant degrees. This topic certainly has made me interested to know more... not for the sake of buying a degree, but maybe something I can use as modal for conversation pieces. Hahahaha! Okes. Sambung balik the actual degree work... meh buat PhD cara susah :)


Peraih udang dari Zimbabwe said...

Salam Bro,

I had an exprience too here. Once in the past, when I was walking from my uni's train station, there was a guy standing nearby the train station's entrance.

He was giving flyers to random people who walked pass him. Luckily I got one, and while walking to my department, I read in a glimpse what the flyer was all about.

It mentioned that some 'people' can help with our studies, no matter what level of education that we're studying, even at the PhD level.

When I arrived at my department, I showed it to my officemates and we were all burst into laughter. Can't imagine how in the whole world are they gonna help with someone's study, especially for someone who is doing scientific a.k.a. laboratory PhD study.

They don't called it Permanent Head Damage for nothing. May God will be with us in our studies, Insya-Allah. All the best & good luck bro...

Ahmad Javanese said...

hehehe. ni mesti 'help' jenis lain ni :P Teringin jugak nak tau apa dia jenis help tu ek? hehehe. tapi rasanya kalau kita initiate the help seeking process... ntah2 dia orang bawak kita pegi ke ntah apa punya scam :P

anywayz, good luck to you bro. insyaAllaah ... God will be be with those who seek knowledge :D

Amy said...

Seperti yg dijanjikan, nama kedai makan tu ialah B.unga Serai di Capital Square, K/Lumpur. :)

Ahmad Javanese said...

Tq Amy :D Akan kujauhi restoren tersebut :D

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