This car is beautiful - Kia Forte (Naza Forte)
I just want to say that this car is beautiful :) The new (or not so new) Kia Forte... but when sold in Malaysia, it becomes NAZA Forte. Hmmm... I don't know why, but when the name changes to NAZA, I sorta get a bit disappointed... and also if any of the manufacturing and assembly is happening here in Malaysia... I don't think the end product will be of the same quality as if it were done in Korea, or even other countries e.g. Taiwan, US, Australia, Japang (ada ke kat sana?) etc. Look @ NISSAN... some of the cars I hear came out really2 bad due to local assembly... Tapi takpe... nak buek camno ye dok?
Anywayz... The car's design, as I heard was done by an ex-AUDI designer. So it figures, why the car looks so so nice. It's also big. Bigger than a (NISSAN) Silphy I think? Once I went to a place that had both cars on display. After getting out of the Silphy, I went into the Forte. Walaweh... it seemed more spacious! And at a very2 cheaper price. Silphy was almost RM115,000... but the Forte was like... RM82,000? But of course, people will say NISSAN is Japan, and KIA is Korean... so go figure! But I dunno, sometimes I think Japanese cars are crazily overpriced here in Malaysia :( Anywayz, maybe KIA has been learning from it's past mistakes? (e.g. the unmemorable KIA Spectra?)... and now dia orang nak kasik kereta yg lagik ok kot? Ntoh. Only time will tell. But in all, I like the look of this car. And quite a few reviews are quite positive regarding the Forte :)
Harap2 in Malaysia, NAZA will do a good work with distributing the car... and oso after sales service pon harap2 can setanding that of HONDA (can't say much about NISSAN, pasal takde rasa apa2 spesel pun for my Sentra)... Annywayz.... Tq for reading iya. Assalaam aleykom!
Jawa, kat malaysia the cheapest engine 1.6 but ada option 2.0. Kat sini masa spring hari tu kami sewa kia forte engine 2.4 memang best keta tu and design wise cantik drive dekat highway memang tak terasa speeding hehehe. Kat sini hyundai dan kia dah jadi best seller dah in term of sale sebab dah reliable la kot.
tu la. aku dok tengok YouTube... depa dok cerita 2.0 ngan 2.4. Aku dok pelik, pasal kita kat sini dok cakap 1.6 dan 2.0 saja. tapi walau apapon, mmg cantik ini kereta kan? hang naik oto ka stick shift ka Sadros? apakah komen anda mengenai fuel consumption dan tahap kebisingan/kediaman di dalam cockpit kereta? :D Dan, adakah anda rasa kereta ini akan buleh tahan lama macam set2 Honda Civic yg model sekitar 95-97 tu? arigato :D
mmg cantik and sleek.aku tengok kat pameran keta kat shopping complex tuh hari.tapi bak kata ko, the name NAZA ada a bit tak tau nak cakap apa di situ. :)
Kamon la alpian .. it doesnt matter with the name Naza or Kia as long as it's the same car manufactured with the same spec and quality. :) Design Forte memang cantek... ko angkat la satu .. aku leh test drive. wahahaha.
It's still a KIA anyhow. The name change is for getting the tax exemption for CKD cars.
If it maintains a KIA, it will not sell at that price.
Its a good B segment car on par with Vios, City, Latio and Mazda 2.
Koreans, much like their soccer team and electrical products are always improving.
But I still hate LG and Samsung:D
Yaya: Kia mmg Kia. Meaning parts etc. datang dari Kia :) Tapi assembly done in Malaysia. Tu je. hehehe. Based on Honda n Nissan, quality tak sebaik the oriiginal. hehehe. tapi takpe. mari ktia sama2 tambah keyakinan :D
Azwad: Dulu I was very2 keen on Korean namely Samsung (and also kadang2 LG). But lately ni tak tau pe pasal dah kurang sket kepercayaan. Maybe pasal ramai orang dok kata the TVs etc tak tahan as long as Japanese brands kot?
Jawa, aku naik hari tu auto yang boleh shift up and down gear dia walaupun auto (1.6 tak tau ada ke dak feature ni). Cabin wise besaq dan senyap. Fuel wise economical half tank boleh pegi balik dari kent ke columbus (5 hours) tapi tak tau la kan kat sini pakai gallon. Dia economical sebab ada mileage sensing kalau hang drive constant speed, dia tukaq ke eco mode kalau hang step on gas abruptly, automatically dia tukaq ke power mode.
Aku pernah drive KIA spectra 2010 gak nak pegi Pittsburgh so KIA spectra economical sket dari KIA forte ni cuma KIA forte ni cantik dan target untuk orang muda, KIA spectra for old people.
Reliability wise kalau based pada forum depa cakap the new model of KIA dan Hyundai dah reliable the engine can go up to more than 250,000 mileage. Of course people still trust on Honda and Toyota for proven engine. Toyota corolla 2000 still resell value tinggi kat sini walaupon body dah reput sana sini.
Awat hang nak beli ka jawa?
buleh tahan gak minyak dia... 5 hours drive half tank... Hmmm... kalau full tank dia, hang bajet2 berapa RM sad? (1.80 liter per)
Anywayz, aku tak la mau beli (lagi :P). Tapi berkenan aku tengok. hehehe. Kalau aku kaya raya hantu buaya, maka aku beli la. Tapi aku hanya tutor yg tak naik2 pangkat lagik jadik lecturer :P tapi takpa... mmg tengah consider pon, pasal sentra aku ni, masa aku beli... aku tak la tau sangat what to look for in a car. Laa ni dah tua tua sikit ni, baru faham apa nak cari dalam kereta :D so, maybe la kot... akan di angkut kalau takde aral melintang. but not now la.. pasal nak kasik siap Pemelihara Hantu Dogol PhD aku ni dulu :D anywayz... tq for de comment :D Salaaam
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