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Cancelled Fish Trip Tomorrow - Almost Confirmed Goat Meat Trip Tonite - InsyaAllaah

Tomorrow, I am supposed to join Mr. Akhmal Ikan Tenggiri on one of our siakap fishing expeditions. However, God has not permitted it as the river now looks like a MILO truck had fallen into it. According to Mr. Akhmal Ikan Tenggiri, such conditions are not suitable to fish for siakap... Or I think in English they're called the barramundi? Anywayz... tak apa :)

So tonite, insyaAllaah I will be having a date with another animal. Of course it should be dead by the time my date begins because I will be eating it. Yes, it is the goat of Kampung Pelet. I don't know when I will tire of eating this goat. Goats around the world will go on strike because I am eating them all weekend long (yes, last weekend i went oso to eat the goat....).

Ok. That is all. Owh... I went to today. Had a meal while watching one of the BridgeToFaith series... Overall the series was ok. Yusuf Estes was talking about the time when Prophet Yunus (Jonah in English) got swallowed by the whale (ikan Nun?)... We all know that story and it's best if we memorize Prophet Yunus' dua as well... Anywayz... the end part of the video was very interesting tho. Turns out that Norwegian fishermen would always 'sembelih' their fishies right after it's landed... According to them, it improves the meat quality. Masha Allaah :D We do that to our cattle n chicken n also goats (which insyaAllaah, I will be having tonite). Fish I heard once that it too can be sembelihed :D Very2 de interesting.... You can go the 20th-24th minute if saja2 nak tengok... :D Okes. TQ for reading iya. Salaaam aleykom!!! 


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