Makan-makan dekat Meatworks
Di sini, saya ingin memberi laporan makan-makan di Meatworks (Solaris, Mont Kiara) bersama dengan Encik Aizal Kusyairi Ali. Kami mengorder the SIGNATURE BONE-IN FILLET - Prime Rib 350gram. RM79 harganya... In the beginning, we did not know how the piece of meat would look like. Kalau rib eye or T-bone tu buleh bajet2 macam mana rupa. Tapi bone in fillet? Apakah? ... Jadi, waiter kitorang tarusss bawak the refrigerated cut dan tunjuk. Senang cerita! :D ... Lepas dah nampak how big the part was, Mr Cikaro tarus order, and I cancelled my T-bone order (dah order dah masa tu) dan tukau ke Prime rib tu. hehehehe. Ni gambar2 from my FB...
Encik Aizal punya... nampak gelap sket... but his was rarer than mine in the end
Okes. Sebelum ni kitorang pernah makan kat Las Vacas. Jadik, wajib buat comparison sedikit. I'd say the way the meat is cooked... Las Vacas mcm lagi best, since they cooked the meat to perfect medium :) At Meatworks semalam, we asked for medium, but got almost well-done instead.
Side-dishes-wise... Meatworks mcm lagik banyak jenis. You can't see it in the top most pic, but ada mashed potatoes, carrots and cherry tomatoes kat bawah daging tu. Yang mmg clear2 nampak is of course the jagung aka corn lah :) Also, they give gravy/sauce... yang memang shedap. In the end mmg gravy2 pon licin saya bedal (termasuk Encik Aizal punya pon saya bedal). Las Vacas, the just gave the meat, sayur campur (coleslaw without the white stuff mcm kat KFC) and a slice of french bread (ada garlic butter rasa2nya). Jadik, kurang meriah sikit je la.
In all, I'd say sedap la makan semalam. Pueh ati... And the price was a bit cheaper than Las Vacas. At LV, the overall bill was like RM212 mcm tu (two steaks and two drinks. Cuma kat LV makan rib eye lah). Yesterday was RM180 (two of the stakes, and cappuccino dan ayor juice mango). Jadik, based on our one visit to Las Vacas and one visit to Meatworks... at the moment mcm Meatworks menang dari sudut price and taste... Tapi... ok la. Dari sudut price tu takleh compare la since kat LV makan rib-eye... kat MW makan daging yg saya rasa was a less expensive cut of meat.
Okes. Jadi itu saja cerita saya. Terima kasih kerna membaca :D Assalaamualaikum WBT dan selamat makan daging :)
Long live kambing kampung pelet!!!
Kambing memang Kg Pelet. Tapi steak kalu, dua kedai ni setakat ni terbaek :P hehehe.
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