How People In The North Pronounce AIR :D
In the past, I've been exaggerating on how northern malaysians pronounce some words. Since I myself have quite strong Kedah-an origins... so takpe la kot main2 ngan slang mother tongue (kat rumah saya, 50% populasi berasal dari Kedah...)
But nevertheless, the northern slang is pretty unique. And once mastered, can be quite interesting :D Below are some northern word slangs. Some are totally different from the base Malaysian Language word, whereas others simply sound different... mostly by adding a 'Q' sort-a sound at the back :)
Ok, jgn mare... mari sambung PhD. Assalaam aleykom WBT dan Salam Wateq :D...
1. Rambutan - becomes Mboktan
2. Lengkuas - becomes Lengkuaih
3. Khabar - becomes Habaq
4. Air - becomes Ayaq
5. Singh/Bai - becomes Bay-ee (strong emphasis on the Y... need to play with yer tongue a bit)
6. Sambar - becomes Sambaq
7. Buang/Campak - becomes Tenggalung
8. Alor - becomes Aloq
9. Datang - becomes Mai
10. Kau - becomes Hang
And the last one for today.... Ok. We had 'Air' already rite at number 4. But there's also a way to say AIR in the Northern English Slang. Dan dah siap commercialize pon. And saya jumpa benda ni kat area2 utara je :) hehehe. (Tapi tak tau la kot2 ada kat belah2 lain, cuma saya tak perasan :P)....
To say the English version of AIR in Utara Slang, is of course:-->
Jgn mare wahai ET :D hehehe
Ok, jgn mare... mari sambung PhD. Assalaam aleykom WBT dan Salam Wateq :D...
Ronggoq haq soqloq akuq karateq haq satniaq kutuq slengaq akuq!!!
hehehe, aku pun org kedah jgk cuma aku tak reti nk ckp kedah. rs pelik pulak :D
tp biler english pun dh kena slang kedah, nmpknya balik ni kena la rajin2 ckp kedah balik. baru la international... hehehe
hoho tak bole lawan kelate gak...hehe dia punya slang lagi la international
huisy..sungguh commercial bunyi wateq tu..haha.siap font dia pun canggih..
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