Another MYEG delivered road tax - Kelisa GX Road Tax Renewal (MYEG)
Alhamdulillaah. Today I got the road tax for the wife's Perodua Kelisa :D No morphing happened though... the guy came without first being a sexy girl clad in a tight read leather suit :P
Anywayz... my last entry concerning MYEG was just blabbering in general about the
whole experience. But I've noticed that some visitors who happened to land on my blog (from Google or Yahoo!) were actually looking for information about how to get the road tax thru MYEG... Okes. This post will talk about that :D
Okes. Here goes...
1. For my case... I already renewed my takaful (insurance). I did it at Syarikat Takaful Malaysia. Easy and simple... and ikut syarak :D So insyaAllaah all will be ok for this life and the hereafter :D Ameennn...
2. After finishing all that, keep your takaful (insurance) confirmation slip handy...
3. Goto At the main page, click on the 'ROAD TAX RENEWAL' link. Easy peasy... :) - see image below...
4. Since you already bought your insurance (as in my case)... just ignore that big blue link saying 'CLICK HERE TO BUY INSURANCE' at the road tax renewal page. Just key in all the details... and after that... just click 'PROCEED'... the page after this should display all your details (if I remember correctly) pertaining to your car, as well as the takaful/insurance information :D After checking... proceed to payment (but if the info. is wrong, I have no idea how U can correct it. Supposed to be correct...)
5. Finally, select the payment method... and finish up the transaction... Oh... and key in the mailing address. Shouldn't forget that one :)
That's basically it. There's RM12 (RM10 for delivery and some RM2 fee for what I forget) extra though that you have to pay (for my Kelisa that is... shouldn't be any different for other cars I guess...). So, if you think not lining up at the post office or JPJ is worth RM12... then MYEG is da way to go :D - as for me, I'm just lazy. But I think RM12 is ok... even though I'd prefer it to be below RM10 :D
In 2-working days, insyaAllaah the road tax will be delivered to the mailing address you specified. Oh... and I recommend sending it to your office address... because for me, mostly no one's at home from morning till evening... so most probably the delivery guy won't be able to deliver... as a result you'd be the one who has to go and collect... There goes the RM10 :P anywayz... :D
Okes. Hope this info has helped... TQ for reading :D Salaaam...
patut free la kan, nak galakkan org buat online, kurang sesak pejabat pos. mungkin jalan pun kurang sesak sbb org nak gi pejabat pos. bos pun tak marah sbb kena amik half day nak gi pejabat pos (tp mungkin marah la kalau guna internet kat opis utk buat benda takde kaitan dgn keje)
kalu free benkrup aa myeg :P aku rasa myeg ni pon profit seeking organization. kalau gomen pon, sah2 nak buat duit sket ye dok. :D heheheh.
weh... mana ada takde kaitan ngan kije. Leh kait kan apa... kalau keter x leh jalan, camne nak pegi keje secara efektif? kekekekekek :P
Kapip! I want Dyson vakum!!! Weh, pulang kan balik ko nye weh! Nanti kena tangkap dek Miles Bennet Dyson!!!
rm2 tu utk dia transform jd aweq lawa :p
gila murah. kekekeke :P
bila nak update ni?
dah update dah tuu
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