They are still alive... :)
Alhamdulillaahirobbil'aalameen :)
Exactly one day before going back to kampung for Aidilfitri holidays, the mommy cat (who made home next to my washing machine) decided to move her kittens elsewhere. I was a bit distraught but consoled myself thinking that 'mom knows best!' ... well, actually God knows best... but you get the idea :D Anywayz...
After coming back from raya holidays, I was a bit sad to see that the mommy cat was very2 thin. Ayo... no food for almost 1-week ++. Banyak kasihan. She was ripped (meaning no visible fat) to shreds. I could even see some of the bones from her rib cage. Alhamdulillaah, there were some cat food still lying around, so I kasik la makan. She ate like there was no 2moro! I tried to look for the 'kids'... but they were no where to be seen :( This was like 2-weeks ++ ago... Never saw them since :( I mean... I couldn't see where small kittens could stay, without getting drenched by the constant downpour we've been having. I mean like... every day rain rain rain. And since cats don't like water... was really worried about the kittens. Was especially worried that some or all of them wouldn't make it!
Suddenly, last night... I heard the weep of a kitten coming from the back of my house. Wallaweh!!! Was overjoyed least to say. Went out straight away... and saw one of them trying to get milk from its mum :D Needless to say, it ran away when it saw me coming. A bad move though, cuz I was led straight to their 'hideout'... which was actually just at the storage area outside my house...
And it was there that I was very2 thankful to God... ALL FOUR WERE STILL ALIVE AND KICKING!!! They tried to hide under the wire-fences rolled up neatly at the back of my 'shed'... But since the opening was big enough for my hand... I managed to sneak in and grab em. Managed to reunite myself with three of them :D The other one was a bit smart and tucked itself in a bit too far. Anyhow... I am overjoyed. All are ok alhamdulillaah :D Now, just wanna make sure the mum gets enough cat food and milk :D Still got 4 growing kids to feed.
Okes. tq for reading ya :D Assalaam aleykom!!!
syukur alhamdulillah... by the way, where's the pix? mesti cute... :)
tak sempat amik la puan azura :| sbb time tu keluar mengejut dan takde kemra. sempat amik toch lite je. hehehehe....gelap gelita... kalau ada kemra pon maybe tak clear. silap2 leh teramik gambar jin mata toncet. kekekekeke :P
tetiba rasa connected ngan itu ibu kucing, coz sama2 tgh breastfeeding ahaks! sian mommy cat, ibu nyusu kena kasi mkn lbh sket pyan..
betui aa. aku tengok dia makin cepat lapar. pagi tadi kasik makan makanan kucing cap TESCO dia bedal dengan seleranya. anak dia pulak... rupa2nya kurus keding :( (aku nampak sekor je pagi tadi... lagi 3 mana pi ntah)....
malam hari tu nampak cam berisi. maybe ilusi optik malammmm...
anywayz... selamat menyusu anak wahey Noris M Norowi :D
isn't it great, the feeling of being reunited!! My prayers for the felines..
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