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To LaTex or Not To LaTex

I am now in dilemma whether to learn LaTex or not to learn LaTex (for those who are unsure of what I'm talking about, plz go to this link). No... it's not that rubber material thinggy that Hollywood uses for make up or what makes up the most part of  the Mythbusters' dummies. It's basically an alternative to using Word Processing software... one that have many advantages especially for academic writing.

Anywayz... now I am in the process of thesis writing... So much pressure here and there... And was wondering, should I add to these pressures by learning a totally 'new' language? (you can say that LaTex is a new language for me, since I'd have to learn some markups).

The benefits however outnumber the negativities. I'd not have to worry about generating my table of contents, no need to worry about numbering figures... and don't even have  to worry about positioning figures n tables as LaTex does it for me. There are also other advantages, tapi I myself donno. Anyone care to add to these advantages? OH! Templates... If I write academic papers, then template switching is just a matter of changing ONE LINE of 'code'....

Anywayz, besides not wanting to add more pressure to my current life, the other thing stopping me is the  malas-nak-belajar-something-new factor... and also since I've already been using EndNote for so long as my bibliographic reference (from what I know, LaTex is not 'friends' with EndNote), rasa macam malas pulak nak guna a new bibliographic referencing tool. Might need to convert to JabRef or something...

Anywayz, some frens say its quite easy to learn and apply... and I'm now thinking of whether to learn it or not. I've got some basic HTML coding experience behind me... and since LaTex works in somewhat the same fashion as HTML, then maybe... maybe la it won't be that difficult. Hmmm... Tapi takpe. Nanti kita pikirkan dahoolooo!!!!

Okes. Tq for reading :D For those of you who have read until here... say "WARRDOOO!!!!!"... Or better still, you can write it in the comment section :) hehehe...

Salaam aleykom :D   


sumpit said...

apsal sume dok cite psl latex ni.
member aku sorg yg dok tgh buat msc pon dok sibok tanya cite nak guna latex.

Oyis said...

kalo ko x brp comfortable pakai latex, pakai LyX pon ok gak. end product sama, with less coding! ;)

Ahmad Javanese said...

ET: 4 orang dalam lab aku guna LaTeX. So aku pon mcm teringin :) Lagipon, aku suka konsep takyah ubah template tu yg teringin nak cuba tu :D

Noris: LyX? First time dengar. tq for de info :D

yzmahoney said...

klu da ade template ok jer latex..aku yg slow ni pon berjaye`juge membuat pki latex skali..itu pon sbb nk hantar conf least ade pengetahuan pasal latex sng for future..

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