A post about Comments :D
Sometimes, we tend to write lengthy comments on people's blogs. Ntah le orang tu suka atau tak, kita komen gak panjang2 :D Tapi takpe, because blogs are meant to be read, and once read, some are inclined to comment. Today, would like to talk about comments :D ... But I won't be talking about the types of comments, or how to comment, or how I respond to annoying comments, or how to determine who's behind some anonymous comments etc. I would like to share my experience on how to NOT GET ANNOYED AFTER POSTING SUCH A LONG COMMENT, THEN TETIBA BROWSER ERROR!!!! ... eh, emo pulak. Hehehehe...
Anywayz, sometimes I write lengthy comments. Ok, not sometimes, most of the time. Don't angry aa. But at times, after writing so panjang2 one, when click submit comment... TANG! Browser error, or page error or whatever error the browsing world has to offer. End up, the comment gets lost (unless sometimes we get lucky that upon pressing the BACK button, the comment is still there.. alhamdulillaah). So, after writing lengthy (or even shorty) comments, please just select all and then COPY... or CUT. Of course, COPY is better cuz if you CUT then U'd have to paste back the text. HAHAHAHA!!! (apa aku cakap ni... anywayz...). Itu lah dia the point that I want to convey :D
MAKE SURE YOU COPY!!! :D Then kalu2 browser error, you'd still have the original text... Wallaawehhh...
Hmmm... could've said all that in 1-short paragraph ye dok? HAHAHAHA! You see what I mean about lengthy comments?
Oraits. Salaam aleykom
agak2 ko penah terkena tak while nak komen kat entry aku?heheheh..
aku sokmo buat lagu ni pyan. kalo x asyik ammarah aje.
ps: aku pon spesis suka komen, and sometimes komen sampai lupa diri, ingat ni blog sendiri ke hapa nak sama pjg dgn entry tuan empunya blog buat erk!?!
Arin: Aku rasa2 mcm tak pernah. tapi yg kompom, aku rasa setiap kali komen... lama benau dia nak proses... ko leatk skrip virus ek? hehehehe.
Noris: Hahaha! wallaweh, bagus bagus. kita serupaaa :D takpe noris, sekali sekala je panjang komen :D tapi takde la sampai sama panjang ngan entry tuan ampunya blog. hehehehe
Hehe, mase ni la notepad tu bergune. ;)
bener tu pak aji :D
about the browser error tu, use to happen to me. but not anymore...
its been years actually dah tak jadi :) hehehe
aku selalu copy, ingatkan aku sorg je buat camtu :D
but u know wht, aku pon selalu write at length at ppl's comment box, syok. especially when they write about something that you've always wanted to write, but too lazy to do so.
mcm aku dok buat skarang ni hehehhehe, okla aku stop skarng :D
Aku pun suka comment panjang2..tah naper. Dlm FB pun..so bila browser error, agak incredible hulk gak la. Aku hanya copy bila aku agak2 cam browser tu tetiba lambat je, so cepat2 copy sebelum hilang. Ingat aku sorang je kiasu hahah. Ok panjang dah..bye
Zara: maybe u have stable itnernet connection :) Kitorang kat USM (School of COmputer Sciences) ni selalu je kena. tetiba page takleh nak access. ntah pe pasal pon tak tau. hehehe
ET: aku pon ingat aku sorang je buat. kita ni buleh buat persatuan ni... persatuan copy n paste comment utk keselamatan diri dan masarakat :P
Amy: haaa.. aku pon sama. kalau lambat... mmg tarus copy. tapi lately ni banyak kali gak lupa copy. end up aku jadik crecredibel hak gak. heheheheh :P
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