KAPITAN Briyani - Queensbay Mall and Jusco Perda
Assalaam aleykom WBT :) Me and the wife (and the kid had to folo, even tho dia tak la minat sangat :P) went on a two day briyani fiesta. Well, ok... I went on a 2-day briyani fiesta... whereas she only had briyani for one day... The briyani I am talking about here is the Kapitan Restaurant briyani :) I don't know why, but it seems like Kapitan's briyani is a lot tastier compared to other mamak shop's briyanis. They not only have more color, but also more flavor and also better side dishes... But then again, I've only like eaten at 3-4 mamak restaurants in Penang... So I guess my evaluation might be a bit misinformed here... hehehe.
Anywayz... I took pictures of two dishes. The normal briyani set (with a slight alteration in chicken choice... took tandoori chicken instead of the normal grilled chicken)... and the Claypot Briyani set. Let's start with the claypot set. Actually, this is supposed to be the 'special' brand of briyani served at Kapitan (so I was told). Before the set came, I was given an empty plate and also a small bowl of gravy (I think it was chick peas gravy or something...). Being an outsider to the art of briyani-dining... I just thought it was for my daughter, cuz I did mention not ordering for my daughter, sebab takut banyak sangat. LOL! So, when the set actually did come... I sort'a ate directly out of the claypot... which to my astonishment was not even made of of clay! Maybe orang ni salah hantar kot? Anywayz... This is how it looked like:
After I belasah-ed the whole steel-pot... then I saw an Indian guy from the next table 'showing' me the proper way to eat. You gotta actually take the rice and put it onto the empty plate provided... Oooooo.... and then eat it! Hahahaha! Walaaweh... how to know? Didn't come with a manual what... Anwyayz... Full jugak at the end of the meal.
My wife's pulak... was the normal briyani set, with Tandoori chicken :) I have to say, the chicken was quite a 'plate-full'. Very2 the big one!!! Ok. The 'normal' set looks like this:
Hmmm... of course my wife didn't finish the whole thing. Banyak siot! Alfian to the rescue as always :) Tu pasal balik tu boncit je perot. Hahahaha! Anywayz... This one was also sedap one. As a matter of fact, I think this one is better 'equipped' as a briyani set as compared to my 'special' claypot (steel-pan) briyani. I mean, just look at it. It has some onions, chick-peas gravy, yogurt sauce, and the red + green thing is chili sauce with mint sauce. A bonus of condiments and side dishes! Why was my special briyani lacking in all of this!... And from what I tasted... the two rices (ada ke rices?) tasted almost the same... Hmmmmm.... But of course, even though tasting similar, both were very2 good :)
Anywayz... despite the rather disappointing nature of the 'special' claypot briyani... we had a fulfilling... and not to mention filling time at Kapitan's. These pictures were taken from the restaurant near Queensbay Mall, Penang Island. The next night, I had a sudden craving for the briyani again, and went to buy it at Kapitan Restaurant Bandar Perda, near to Jusco Perda Penang (main land).
The price? I think it was around RM7.00... or was it RM7.50? Quite ok for so much rice and a big piece of a bird :D In all, I think I would recommend Kapitan's to anyone visiting Penang. U can eat until lick fingers and also plate. Okes. Sakian.
Assalaam aleykom WBT... and 'ave a good eatin out experience...
aku tak minat beriyani..and wondering gak, apa le mamat kat Kapitan tuh bubuh ek nak kasik sodap nasik dia..hehehehhehe...!ko tak penah terfikir ke wahai enchek alpyan?
ish2 mane pegi citer pasal diet lah serbuk protein lah..joging lah :P
Arin: Ye... aku tau ada banyak teorem yg mengatakan mamak2 letak benda2 felik dalam makanan nak kasik sedap. Yg aku pernah dengar is spenda :P hehehe. Tapi aku rasa tak la kot, pasal kalau ye sah2 la TV3 dah serbu dan masuk 360. heheheh. aku rasa dia letak... Monosodium Glutamat! :P Tapi ini teori saja... dan bukan fitnah dolalah semata mata :P
Mat Nabil Zawawi: Oh, cerita2 tu ada. Cuma kang kalau aku cerita benda tu je manjang, kang pembaca2 bosan pulak. Asyik citer protin dan kesihatan je. Sekali sekala aku citer la gak pasal makanan tak sihat. hehehehe. baru le belen :P Mat Nabil! Buat PHD cepat! Baca2 blog pulak. Aku repot Dr Ramlan Askolani karaang...!!!
x..maksud aku...kan ko berazam nak turunkan berat badan sblm abis phd..mana leh mkn benda2 cinta kolesterol ni :P
huh, pian ni diet hangat hangat roti cheese nan je nih. takleh percaya sgt. aku tak minat briayani, tapi gambar nasik yg ko amik tu amat mengiurkan.
Nablus: Wehhh.. buleh apa. Selalunya dalam apa2 progrem fitness (yg mana sekarang mmg aku tak ikut satu pon :P).... ada free day... hehehe. tapi kebanyakan hanya benarkan 1-FREE meal je... tapi takpe. kita ikut BoDy FoR Life Bill Phillips... 1 free day :D
Fazot: Hahahaha... aku mana pernah kata nak go on diet.. suka2 cerita je. tapi takpe. sekarang dok maintain 81-82 kg... with I think... 23++% body fat. Nanti harap2 dapat naikkan displin utk turunkan jadik belas2. buleh ka? Hmmmmm.... anywayz.... mmg agak menggiurkan. Kalau kasik orang yg tengah pose Isnin ngan Khamis tengok, mau terbukak pose dia orang. Hahahaha!
teringat nasik lomak sodap a'd..
makan kt Kapitan kat town.. bhampiran masjid kapitan keling tu lg bess.. suasana noastalgia penang ;-)
Landen: sodaaap... hehehe. dah nasik lomak tu je ada ye dok. terpaksa la dikatakan sodap :P
Zleenz: Baik :D InsyaAllaah akan di try kan ke sana :D
Kapitan food memang sedap. Yg kat Gurney to my favourite. Tapi yg kat bandar Perda pun best. Yg ayam tandoori dia sedap tue sdp tukang masak dia pandai marinate kot.
Penang Good Food
Salam..n slm ziarah,menggugat iman tol makanan tu, sungguh membuka selera..
makan angkat berat... heheh...
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