Elken BIO PURE (Ken2) Water Filter - Time for Change
* I realized some people arriving at this blog post while searching for the price for the Elken Bio Pure (Ken2) filter. We bought ours at RM2989.92 - RM124.58 X 24-months using easypayment (Maybank Credit Card)...

I was kind of (happily) surprised actually, because it took quite long for our external filter to finally change color to cekelat... And a good brown color it was too, after comparing with the new filter (please refer to Figure 1.0 - macam tulis tesis pulak, ada refer to figure figure ye dok?)
ELKEN ni pon pandai. They only sell the filters in a 3-set combo. There's now way you can buy only one as the standard set comes in three. You're supposed to change the filter every 3-months, so they say. Anywayz... the whole set costs RM30... so RM30 for 9-month's worth of filter kira OK la ye dok?
Okes. Anywayz... below are some pics... including figure 1.0 of course :D Selamaaat n tq for reading....
Assalaam aleykom WBT
figure 1.0 - Cekelat and White external ELKEN water filters
Water Filter bio-pure (elken);
Kami pengguna water filter bio-pure merasa kesal menggunakan pruduk
tersebut kerana dia amat merugikan dan selalu rosak.
1. senser mudah rosak.
2. water over flow terlalu banyak (tadah 1 cawan, over flow 20liter)
3. penapis terlalu mahal.
1. Persatuan pengguna PP.
2. NGO Malaysia.
3. tel: 013-3620853
Water Filter bio-pure (elken);
Kami pengguna water filter bio-pure merasa kesal menggunakan pruduk
tersebut kerana dia amat merugikan dan selalu rosak.
1. senser mudah rosak.
2. water over flow terlalu banyak (tadah 1 cawan, over flow 20liter)
3. penapis terlalu mahal.
1. Persatuan pengguna PP.
2. NGO Malaysia.
3. tel: 013-3620853
Nak tanya..filter yang dalam punya berapa lama penggunaan sebelum kena tukar?
My rackets is lost... Where and how can i buy these thing?..
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