On Wheel Balancing - better than off-wheel balancing?
I am no expert in wheels let alone motor cars :) But I recently discovered by myself that the method of wheel balancing can greatly effect the way you car handles. After being advised by my friend Mr. Aizal Kusyairi a.k.a. Cikaro Kiroro, I decided to take my Nissan Sentra for on-wheel balancing. You see, the car has been giving me problems whereby the steering wheel will shake when I drive at speeds greater than 110 km/hour. 120 tu confirm, goyang maut gaban Z potong 14.
I've previously done the standard wheel alignment and balancing, where alignment of course la on-wheel... :D But the balancing was done off-wheel. For those of you who are unsure, the cekik-darah mecahnic will take all of your wheels off, and then place it onto (or is it into?) a machine where the wheel will be spun. They will look at some numbers to see whether or not the wheel is actually 'balanced'. If not, some weights will be added (e.g. the pictures at the top of this post). Then some more spinning is done. Finally, when the correct amount of weights have been finalized your wheel is considered (off-wheel) balanced :D
Off Wheel Balancing Machine
But after a few times choosing the off-wheel method... my car still did not steer well. So I opted for the on-wheel one lah. This method of balancing is done using a machine, which will spin the front wheels of the carsing... one at a time la of course. All of this is done while the wheel is still attached to the car. As the off-wheel one also, numbers will be checked, and weights added until a balanced wheel is obtained. This method is better since the balancing is done as if the car was actually moving. So the results pon better lah :D OH! Lupa pulak... it's only done for the two front wheels, the cost/price for each wheel is RM10.00. (betui ka tu? ke aku kena tipu lagik?)
Nowadays, alhamdulillaah, my car takde goyang2 steering anymore. And after this insyaAllaah I will go for off-wheel balancing if any handling problems recur :D Oraits... Assalaam aleykom.
On Wheel Balancing Machine
On Wheel Balancing in Action
Some Nice Looking Rims... not mine BTW
With wheel balancing, as with just about anything else in life, knowledge is power. As such, learning a little about wheel balancing will help drivers understand precisely why they should stay on top of their automobile maintenance by regularly balancing the wheels of their car.
Yo dude, where is this tyre shop located?
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