Now I only have 2 Credit Cards
Just finished talking with Akma around 30-minutes ago. Who is Akma? Akma is the Direct Access credit card representative who helped me cancel one of my credit cards :) Previously I had three... Now the Direct Access VISA is gone!!! According to her la... You know la these CC companies. Kang aleh2 two three months after this, ada pulak CC orang pos kat ghumah kite... Aiyaaa... Anywayz, previously I used to have:
- Maybank VISA
- Direct Access VISA
- Direct Access MASTER CARD
It's not that I wanted three... but for the Direct Access deal to go thru last time, I had to agree to receive both the cards. So tu la pasal jadik sampai tiga :) Anywayz, since the government is already imposing the RM50 credit cards tax starting January 2010, I'll potentially have extra (3 x half-a-hundred ringgit) to pay cum my next credit card "anniversary". So, instead of paying RM150 for three cards... I feel more at ease just paying RM100.
Anywayz, now that I have two credit cards... I wonder also... Do I really need TWO? I mean... yeah, the Maybank one only has like RM5,000 credit limit... whereas the Direct Access one has a bit more. So maybe la can have extra credit in case of emergencies....
But then again... betul ke perlu dua ni? All my gaji goes into Maybank actually, so it's very easy to pay off any outstanding balance on the Maybank card before ada interest/riba' kicking in. But the Direct Access one... (a sub of CIMB now DA ni...), perlu ke? Since CIMB account not that active... kalau2 ter-chas, then I need to pay thru Interbank transfer from Maybank. Daah kena RM2 charge (ke RM1 ek? forget...)
But then again... betul ke perlu dua ni? All my gaji goes into Maybank actually, so it's very easy to pay off any outstanding balance on the Maybank card before ada interest/riba' kicking in. But the Direct Access one... (a sub of CIMB now DA ni...), perlu ke? Since CIMB account not that active... kalau2 ter-chas, then I need to pay thru Interbank transfer from Maybank. Daah kena RM2 charge (ke RM1 ek? forget...)
Sometimes my logic is this. At times, some credit cards fail due to some 'valid' reasons... Magnetic strip damaged lah, chip kotor and unreadable lah, kad patah lah etc. Tapi sometimes tu, mmg macam no reason at all! Macam time bayar beli baju or something kat Jusco ke.... daah orang2 kat queue belakang ingat kita ni jenis tak bayau utang. So in times like these, it would be a bonus to have a second card, aye? (or at Jusco, can use Maybank ATM card oso... Alhamdulillaah)... :D
Another reason is because sometimes (ni dulu2 la orang cakap, donno whether it still applies nowadays), only VISA is accepted at certain places. Kadang2, only MASTER CARD is accepted. So, by having both handy, we can avoid this problem if it ever arises :D Ada botoi ka? ... Tapi kan, in all my years owning CCs ni, belum pernah pulak melalui detik detik cemas sebegitu. Hmmmm....
Anywayz, apakah pendapat dan opinion para readers (harap2 ada la readers aku ni :P)....? Should I maintain two cards? Or is one enough? Or... was it a mistake to destroy that third card I had???? Okes... anywayz, tq for reading iya? Assalaam aleykom WBT...
aku takde credit card. hanya ada maybank card sahaja.
maybank card tu leh guna mana2 kan? (almost la)
tapi aku felik, asal Maybank aje? (Ke CIMB dan lain2 pun dah buleh?) Tapi walau apa pun, mmg maybank la yg widely accepted.
Cuma aku felik satu je. kat stesen minyak. Setahu aku, MBank ATM kad leh guna kat Petronas je. Dulu dulu kala zaman 2001 (time tu aku isi guna kad ni)... CALTEX kasik guna MBank kad... mmg syok le, tu pasal dulu keter aku CALTEX je... tapi skg CALTEX takleh guna dah... (kan?)... hanya petronas je. Politikal move utk protect dan kasik unfair market domination kepada Petronas kah?
Aku pun ada Direct Access card tapi takde pula diminta guna dua-dua Visa dan Mastercard. Aku aktifkan satu je iaitu Visa.
Aku rasa satu je cukup. Guna dan bayar minimum atau penuh tiap2 bulan, selalunya had kredit akan dinaikkan. Direct Access tiba2 je naikkan had aku sampai 12K. Jadi i tak terfikir nak guna kad lain sampai le sekarang walaupun Direct Access bukan kad islamik.
Pasal takut kad tak boleh baca tu bagi aku soal kecil. Selalunya aku guna kad untuk barang yang aku dah ada tunai. Kalau ada masalah, bayar tunai je.
Ntah la Azwad. Aku masa dulu minah/mamat tu promo, somehow kena amik 2-2. lepas tu aku pernah terbaca kat mana ntah, termination RM10. tapi bila aku finally terminate yg VISA tu, tak kena pulak 10 tu. Aku silap kot? Anywayz...
As for satu kad takleh baca tu... mmg aku rasa la... in my opinion, perlu kad backup. Aku pon guna kad hanya kalau aku ada duit. Tapi aku hanya akan guna bila:
1) Bila duit ada dalam poket, tapi gatal nak kutip point... in which lepas aku guna tarus kalau ada Cash deposit machine atau ATM, aku tarus bayar direct lepas tu... so in this sense, kita serupaaa :D
2) Bila ada duit, tapi duit tu aku tak leh nak access masa tu. Ataupun mmg tak bawak masa tu....
Cth... kalau pi beli groceries bulanan. normally I go with an empty pocket but with a fixed shopping list. But still, kadang2 tak sure brapa total in the end. Jadik aku pakai la CC in that case. Kalua satu kad fail, at least ada backup...
Satu lagi cth... kalau emergency betul2 kena beli barang tu (dan cash tu pulak ada dalam simpanan emergency, yg hanya buleh access thru withdrawal kat teller bank). time tu guna kad... dan of kos, pernah jadi di mana satu kad fail :D
hehehe... tu pasal aku rasa kena ada 2... tu aku nye opinion la :D
Aku faham pandangan kau tu cuma aku rasa bahaya juga ada sampai dua kad. Memang logik takut2 kad pertama takleh access.
Alasan orang lain yang guna 2 kad sebab satu kad dah overlimit. Bagi aku lebih baik gunakan satu kad dengan disiplin dan limit tu akan dinaikkan juga nanti. So, takde le alasan satu kad dah habis limit. Tapi habis limit ni pun sebab tak bayar atau beli barang yang mahal.
Memang susah sebab kita bercakap pasal tabiat manusia. Aku pun masih ada tunggakan kad. Tak dapat bayar habis. Ada je "emergency".
Aku cuma takut lebih mudah overspend bila ada satu lagi kad. Dahle aku asyik dapat offer high limit cards je. Aku sendiri menulis pasal personal finance tapi aku sendiri struggle nak ikut. Tapi aku tulis juga untuk peringatan diri sendiri. Sebab manusia ni mudah lupa. InsyaAllah tahun ni, hutang kad aku akan kosong walaupun tak capai target Jun 2010.
Aku perasan emergency fund kau ialah akaun yang takde atm. itu memang bagus. emergency fund aku guna RHB islamic savings sejak aku dah clearkan akaun ASB dan ASW2020 atas isu lain.
Cuma RHB islamic aku ada atm/debit card. boleh juga digunakan bila kad kredit ada problem. aku ada akaun rhb sebab home loan aku dari rhb dan diorang nak autodebit dari akaun. so, every 1st aku IBG a sum from my salary account, CIMB. aku tranfer lebih sikit dari monthly housing loan as savings. InsyaAllah compounding dividends will be in effect slowly.
Tapi sebab ada debit kad je, RHB potong RM15 per year. Lagi satu senang sangat nak mencuri dari diri sendiri apabila emergency fund ada atm card. aku tengah eksperimen le ni kalau aku boleh kawal diri.
Tabung Haji lebih baik cuma office aku tak ada buat potongan gaji. Boleh ke IBG ke tabung haji?
Thanks so much!!!!!!
Aku baru telefon direct access. Diorang kata mastercard aku walaupun tak aktif, diorang akan charge juga. so , aku baru je batalkan. Tiada fee pembatalan heheheh.
Ni lah faedahnya kita berbincang pasal finance openly :D
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