Static Phobia
My office room has a steel door handle (not knob). Whenever I open the door, most of the time, I will be hit by static electricity. Now, how do I avoid this? Do I need to nyah-chas the door handle every time I need to open the door? BTW, this normally happens when I want to go OUT of the room. No static ever hits me (I think) when I want to enter the room (i.e. the outside door handle). Maybe I need to figure out what's charging the door handle itself... or... what's charging my hands? Is my science correct here? :P Anywayz, tq for reading :D
Something to do with dry air, dry skin la gitu. Aku selalu kena kalau nak pegang trolley kat supermarket tu. Sometimes touching skin-to-skin with other human pon boleh kena itu static.
Oh pernah jugak berbaju tido Satin, bilik ber-aircond, lampu dipadam and nah kau! Sparks from static kelihatan bila tangan bersentuhan dengan baju tido.
kau memang misfit of science wahai Yaya. heheheh :P
might consider your electrical gadget such as laptop phone or electric phone..
Keh keh keh .. alpian, mari vote anak aku yang deblok itu di fesbuk. Sila baca entry terbaru ku .. Mekasih. :)
Mungkin kesan dari berjalan atas karpet yg tebal kat bilik ofis tu... Just my 2cents...
takde karpet tebal dalam bilik. hanya satu karpet jenis panjang tu... apa orang panggil ek? runner? tu pon tak la panjang sangat... dan jarang sekali aku bermain di karpet berkenaan. hehehe. anywayz... mungkin aku ada darah johnny v :D
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