HALF MOON - near to South City Plaza
I like arab food... Yes, I like arab food :) When I say arab though, I don't mean the whole arab world because I've never tasted that many food from that many countries. But what I have tasted are food from Jordan and Yemen (since my circle of Arab friends are mostly from these nationalities). Anywayz...
I was relatively recently introduced to an Arab (Arabic?) restaurant, in Seri Kembangan near South City Plaza (kalau tak berapa sure jugak, it's somewhere near Mines Shopping Fair, but not exactly in the same neighborhood). The shop's name - Half Moon Restaurant. It's a Yemeni establishment serving a variety of Yemeni delights :) I just thought I'd share the details of this shop with my readers, whom btw, I thank so much for reading my blofg :D Hehehehe... Anwyayz...
One reason why I like coming back to this shop is because of its consistency. I like to order a dish called the Uqda Lamb with Humus and Rice (they give a piece of flat bread and some soup too). Ever since the first time I came and ordered that dish, the taste has been so consistent and delicioso every time I come back! Furthermore, the other dishes are also consistently good tasting, which probably means they have a very good chef and he/she hasn't gone anywhere yet for the past many-many months :D Even one of my wife's friend from Penang says that this shop (Half Moon) has better tasting food compared to the more famous SABA (also Yemeni food... There's one in Cyberjaya.). Although a smaller, Half Moon packs a pretty heavy punch when it comes to flavor. And I have to say, compared to Jordanian food, I prefer the Yemeni's twist on flavor as it seems that they have more of it compared to their Arabian counterparts :)
Okes... enuff talk (write) lah. Now I give you some screen shots from Half Moon's menu. Half Moon's menu is filled with lots of good food of course... tapi biasa la, when we talk about makanan Arab, the price is a bit dear lah :) Of kos akan mahal dari makanan Melayu kita :D But for this shop, since the portion size is BIG, and the taste is good, the worth every penny lah (in my humble opinion that is).
Anywayz.... I don't know whether disclosing Half Moon's menu like this is against the law or anything... but hey, free advertising what? Hahahaha! Oraits... Assalaam aleykom WBT.
The menu's cover. As you can see, there's a Half Moon...
The beverages. For myself, to jimat belanja, I'd normally order that RM3 tea set?
You can get quite a lot of tea from it :) Minum 3-4 orang kadang2 buleh...
Other drinks offered at Half Moon
The Royal Yemeni Dishes serves at Half Moon. The one that I like to order is the Oqda
Lamb & Humus & Rice... RM15 :D
I tried the Mandy and Kabsah before. They're good also. But somehow, I like
that Oqda thinggy more :)
Tak pernah try... but once, I tried their Sheesh Kabaab or something? Ok, that
one is not quite worth it since it was RM12, but the portion was little...
This is Mr Aizal Kusyairi Ali. As you can see, he was so hungry
at the time sampai tak sempat tengok kamera lah!!!
Soup... I think it's Tumeric-based, but with a hint of goat/lam flavor. Sedaaap :D
Oqda Lamb (basically means daing kambing cincang) with Humus (chick pea-based)
and Rice. You can't see the rice since it's under the Oqda thinggy :) Roti tu
sebenarnya saya da ter-makan. Lupa pulak yg kena amik gambar dulu :P
The un-violated version. But this one is Oqda Chicken with Humus and Rice :D
As you can see, the bread is still in tact. Mr Azial, although hungry, was still able
to hold his horses for the photo shoot :)
Finally, the tea set. This is mint tea. Basically, they make the tea, put loads of sugar, and add
mint leaves :) Very2 de sedap. Can make at home also if you want :D
Okes. There you have my report on Half Moon Yemeni Restaurant. If you wanna go there... Firstly, look for South City Plaza. Make sure it's on your left. Then, basically, just follow the red-line on the map provided below :) I usually park at that circled-blue area (on the map) and walk for around 20-30 meters to the shop. Okes. Hope this post has been of some benefit :D Assalaam aleykom and tq for reading iya :D
Map to Half Moon Restaurant from South City Plaza...
weh...ko saje nak kasik aku terliur ke hape nih...hahaha... aku dh pernah mkn kt half-moon... mmg boleh tahan sedap. Harga pun takla semahal Saba'. Cuma environment dia je yg agak kelabu2 asap... klu diorg kasik terang sket, mesti lagi feel nak makan. hehe...
Bukan niatku utk membuatkan mu terliur wahai Lia. Tapi kalau terliur... wehh, kat sana lagi ada arab2 original :) Ko bedal la masakan dia orang. Dulu member arab aku kalau bawak makanan, mak aiii, pemurah abis.
Betul, aku rasa agak kelabu asap sket keadaan kedai dia. Tapi still ramai orang.... aku rasa kena panggil restoren mekover lah, kasik cantek sket :D Cuma menu takyah tukar la. kasik tukar interior dia je :D
macam best!
Nanti bawak aku g sana!
okes. pas de probleme :) Aku bawak, ko belanja. kekekeke
Im totally agreed with u bro! Nice food, fair price,but shop enviroment kureng sikit..but still ok to me.. Dh ketagih mkn nasi tu.. Better than saba' yg serba mahal dan tak sedap
And I with you Siti N :D Betul tu, keadaan kedai kureng sket ambience dia. But what it lacks in style it makes up with delicious food (at good prices if I may say). hehehe. Anywayz, tq for dropping by :D Ma'assalaam
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