Knock, knock? Who's there???
Last night, I stayed back a bit at the office. Since I had some work left to do, I called my wife telling here I'd be going back late. One of my colleagues, (Dr. to be, insyaAllaah) Khaironi Yatim Sharif dropped by at around 6:00 pm, I think, for some chit-chat. Before leaving, he was about to tell me something... but then decided not to citing that it was for my own good. However, I sorta got the cue that he was trying to tell me about something 'unseen'. Hehehehe... Tapi tak kisah lah.
So I continued to work. Stopped for a few occasions to check my email and to do some Facebook-ing :) Suddenly, at around late 9:00 o'clock, I heard a single knock on my door. It was not faint nor was it too loud... But I could swear that it was a door knock. Immediately I remembered Khaironi and the 'thing' he was trying to tell me. Tapi takpe... I decided not to pay too much attention lah.
Then, about 4-5 minutes passed by. I was reading something (I think) when suddenly I heard another knock. Hmmm... dah dua kali dah ni??? Takkan kebetulan or cicak langgar kot? Again I shrugged it off, but this time, I was getting kinda freaked out. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give my freak-out a score of 3.92 :) ... Ok... takpe... taruskan kerja.
At around 10:15-10:25, there was another knock!!!! Aiseymennnnnn.... Eh??? Tiga kali dah nehhh!!! (Almost) Kompom bukan cicak yang langgar pintu aku. I looked out the stained glass next to my door (from afar lah tapi)... Memang mcm takde orang. At this time, my previous 3.92 score had skyrocketed up to a staggering 8.875!!! Man, I was getting quite scared!!! TARUS!!! I called the 6569 extension, hoping that one of the tech guys was still there. Kot2 la buleh suruh dia orang naik atas jap utk teman saya turun :P You see, my leg (knee) has not yet healed... so memang ada jalan tempang-tempang sikit lah. So, kalau2 la ada geng, tak la takut sangat. Plus, kot2 la kalau that 'unseen' thing showed itself, at least buleh ada somebody to help carry me :P...
But alas, only Anis was there and I can't ask a girl to come up to my rescue? Not that I'm a male chauvinist or a sexist or anything... It's just that it wouldn't be appropriate based on our way of life, ye dok?
At around 10:15-10:25, there was another knock!!!! Aiseymennnnnn.... Eh??? Tiga kali dah nehhh!!! (Almost) Kompom bukan cicak yang langgar pintu aku. I looked out the stained glass next to my door (from afar lah tapi)... Memang mcm takde orang. At this time, my previous 3.92 score had skyrocketed up to a staggering 8.875!!! Man, I was getting quite scared!!! TARUS!!! I called the 6569 extension, hoping that one of the tech guys was still there. Kot2 la buleh suruh dia orang naik atas jap utk teman saya turun :P You see, my leg (knee) has not yet healed... so memang ada jalan tempang-tempang sikit lah. So, kalau2 la ada geng, tak la takut sangat. Plus, kot2 la kalau that 'unseen' thing showed itself, at least buleh ada somebody to help carry me :P...
But alas, only Anis was there and I can't ask a girl to come up to my rescue? Not that I'm a male chauvinist or a sexist or anything... It's just that it wouldn't be appropriate based on our way of life, ye dok?
So, what to do.... Walaupun rasa takut... I needed to go back, which means I had to open the door! Takkan nak terejon tingkap ye dok? So... after reading a few rounds of A'uzubillaahiminashhaithaniraajeem (I seek God's refuge from satan the outcast*) and also the doa masuk tandas of Allaahumma inni a'uzubika minal khubsi wal khabaais (Oh God! I seek protection in You from the male and female unclean spirits**)... I went straight to the door, opened it and said... "Anyone there???". Alhamdulillaah, no one or nothing was there :D Hehehehe. Thank God also that my work was already done... So, I just turned off the lights and the air-con and locked my door. The walk to the stair case however was like forever, and the 30-meters or so seemed like an excruciating trudge!!! For a mat tempang, such a short distance can indeed be a torturous walk... not to mention the suspicion of being stalked by an 'unseen' :P Hehehehe. Masa berjalan tu, memang bulu tengkok semua meremang lah... tapi tu memang pasal asyik dok ingat ada jin la kot? Hehehehe.
In the end, managed to get to my car, and drove home safely. Alhamdulillaah. Tonite need to work a bit late again, tapi harap2 takde apa-apa la kot. Just need to read the proper supplications taught by the seal of all the prophets, Nabi Muahmmad (SAW), and insyaAllaah... all will be ok. Hehehehe.... Tapi tu la... seram gak aku semalam! Hahahahaha! Oraits. Arigato....
NOTE: Some might say that reading the doa masuk tandas was a bit weird. Hehehehe. But I was just thinking about the meaning... i.e. for God to protect me from the male and female jinns :P How was I supposed to know if the jinn (kalau ada la) was a chick or a dude? So baca saja lah :D Shouldn't be a problem, ye dok?
* Fortress of the Muslim: Invocations from the Qur'an & Sunnah, Darussalam Publishing (Page #119, Supplication #42)
** Fortress of the Muslim: Invocations from the Qur'an & Sunnah, Darussalam Publishing (Page #27, Supplication #6)
ader ke?... serem banget deh..
ade org citer skrin putih dlm bilik kuliah naik turun sendirik..
blok C tu nak kene korban kambing lagi kot... :P
Saspek je Kak Zan :p hehehe. harap2 bukan la...
Bilik kuliah naik turun sendiri? Kok electrical glitch kott?? hehehe
kambing? ish, apa pulak kasik korban kambing kat jin... syirik syirik :P
hahaha...aku rasa kan pian, ko kene kacau dgn cik ponti rambut panjang baju putih yg mak guard india nampak aritu la... smpi berenti keje mak guard tu...
hehehe...jahat tak aku saje nak bagi ko ketaq lutut....:P
ko ni pian..kan wak nin dah pesan lama dah jgn dok stay lewat after lps isyak...aku paling2 pun skrg lewat pukul 7 aku blah...
dulu blok A ni pun ada gak kacau2 si azri tu tapi nampak skrg mcm dia dah pindah ke blok C pulak...
sib baik gak kat blok A skrg ramai lagi budak post grad lepak bilik diorang yg ramai2 tu...tapi apa2 hal before maghrib mmg aku dah balikla tak macam dulu2 :D
Lia: Xp. Sebb aku sendiri dah tanya mak cik jaga tu beberapa menggu lepas... hehehe. dia dah citer kat aku so aku mmg dah well aware. hehehehe. tapi mmg masih seram lah
Nabil: Aku pon akan balik awal lepas ni insyaAllaah ;D hehehehe.
Dia nk suh ko balik awal tunaikan tanggungjawab... Ni dok sibuk kat opis siang malam.. weekend opn dok bertapa kat opis....
aku bertapa dengan ada lesen dari naib presiden :P hehehehe. tp skg aku tak bertapa dah weekend pasl thesis dah submit :D hehehe
arrrghhh. Takotnya aku dgr. Syukur time zaman aku tido opis dulu tak kena kaco. Paling kuat pon aku kekadang dgr cam tong sampah kena tolak kat tingkat bawah... so aku suspect kucing gumok punya keje la kot.
siap ada ponti2 smpai mak guard berenti lak tu... ish eeeeeeesh
aku pun first time dengar, aku bajet mcm.... cicak buat stunt and landing kat pintu aku (Altho thats a long shot :P)....
tapi kalau dah 3 kali bunyi tu, aku mcm seram la gak :P TApi takpe... kot2 la Ramadhaan aku kena stay back... and kalau ada lagi bunyi2 tu, then kompom lah :) Mmg bukan jin or setan, since I think there's a sahih hadith saying that they're gonna be locked up :D
Its so funny,enjoy this so much.Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
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