Inconsistent with the GNC Website?
Ok. I would like to write in English, as I am hoping when somebody (especially in Malaysia) Googles for a GNC Store in Malaysia... might (just) stumble across this blog. :D
I am writing with reference to my previous post, whereby I accidentally bought an animal based product which (from my research), turns out to be haraam, or highly syubhah (doubtful) :|
I am referring to GNC's money-back-guarantee and return policy.
And how one of the GNC stores in Malaysia is going against that clearly stated policy.
After reading these websites... I was thinking that it would be possible for me to get a credit card refund of the Whey Protein product I purchased. Since it's clearly stated that I can get the refund... all I had to do was to go back home and look for the receipt... Alhamdulillaah, I still have it...
But to my amazement!!! There is one particular fine (but not so fine actually, cuz its quite big!) print that says GOODS SOLD ARE NOT RETURNABLE NOR REFUNDABLE.
Uitsss???? Buleh ka ini macam???
I mean... wait a minute. The mother ship ( is saying that you could get a refund... and here is the Malaysian Branch at Sunway Carnival Mall Penang saying that... NO! WE WON'T GIVE YOU BACK YOUR MONEY JUST BECUZ YOU BOUGHT SOME ANIMAL PRODUCT!!! Hmmmm....
This has caused some perplexity... as how can a branch shop, have their own set of rules? ... Or is this the 'normal' Malaysian rule where... when you buy something, and you find out you accidentally bought crap... then TOO BAD :( Well... I don't think I'm going to let them off the hook that easily. I mean... come on... GNC states on their website about the Money Back Guarantee... and they also say that I could RETURN the product (for a refund or an exchange), no questions asked! But why is this receipt... saying that I cannot return or refund the product?
I have brought this matter to the attention of GNC... where I've mailed the GNC Livewell online customer support. I hope to get their reply first before going back to that store... PLUS! I will now PRINT these web-pages, and then bring them to the GNC store for more leverage :)
Anywayz... let us all make doa for me, so that everything goes well. Because if not... maybe some legal action can be taken against them (the store I mean) :D
Okes... tq for reading my rants.
Assalaam aleykom WBT
I am writing with reference to my previous post, whereby I accidentally bought an animal based product which (from my research), turns out to be haraam, or highly syubhah (doubtful) :|
I am referring to GNC's money-back-guarantee and return policy.
And how one of the GNC stores in Malaysia is going against that clearly stated policy.
After reading these websites... I was thinking that it would be possible for me to get a credit card refund of the Whey Protein product I purchased. Since it's clearly stated that I can get the refund... all I had to do was to go back home and look for the receipt... Alhamdulillaah, I still have it...
But to my amazement!!! There is one particular fine (but not so fine actually, cuz its quite big!) print that says GOODS SOLD ARE NOT RETURNABLE NOR REFUNDABLE.
Uitsss???? Buleh ka ini macam???
This has caused some perplexity... as how can a branch shop, have their own set of rules? ... Or is this the 'normal' Malaysian rule where... when you buy something, and you find out you accidentally bought crap... then TOO BAD :( Well... I don't think I'm going to let them off the hook that easily. I mean... come on... GNC states on their website about the Money Back Guarantee... and they also say that I could RETURN the product (for a refund or an exchange), no questions asked! But why is this receipt... saying that I cannot return or refund the product?
I have brought this matter to the attention of GNC... where I've mailed the GNC Livewell online customer support. I hope to get their reply first before going back to that store... PLUS! I will now PRINT these web-pages, and then bring them to the GNC store for more leverage :)
Anywayz... let us all make doa for me, so that everything goes well. Because if not... maybe some legal action can be taken against them (the store I mean) :D
Okes... tq for reading my rants.
Assalaam aleykom WBT
Aku rasa kat Mesia mmg takde polisi refund2 kot :D
Sbb selalu aku tgk dlm rancangan sitcom ke ape ke...bila dah beli benda n tak suka bole pulang walau kereta atau tv sekalipun asalkan ada resit. Kat Mesia, beli mknn ada lipas pun kadang2 kena kuar paper baru dpt refund...:D So aku rasa ko nak glamer, better ko tulis kat metro..nnt mesti front page muka ko kuar dgn tajuk PROTEIN KHINZIR, MUSUH DALAM SELIMUT ^_^ dan pastikan muka ko seriosa seratus persen.
Kau boleh dapat duit kau balik.
Klausa tu (exclusion/exemption clause) tidak berkesan jika diletakkan pada resit. Tapi orang buat juga hehehe.
Walaupun kat kedai tu ada tampal papan tanda besar2 barang yang dibeli tidak boleh dipulangkan, kau masih boleh dapat duit kau dengan alasan yang munasabah seperti barang rosak. Masalah kau ialah barang tu telah dikira haram.
Ada masalah sikit kat sini. Undang2 caveat emptor (buyer beware) adalah sah. Kedai tu takde tanda halal kan?
Kau boleh cuba minta duit balik, tapi kalau mereka tahu undang2, mereka boleh guna alasan caveat emptor.
Tapi kau kata HQ beri money back guarantee. So, my advise is
Bring the receipt,
Print out the guarantee from the website,
Ask for refund,
If failed, report to the HQ. State the branch name. The HQ would always vetoed their licensee. It's very american.
Good luck.
Thanks Mat Nabil n Azwad for da advice :)
Azwad... aku pon rasa maybe nak buat macam tu. Tapi sebelum apa2... aku nak dapatkan kata akhir dari orang kat USA dulu... tengok ada dia kata :)
Plus, aku dah tanya Singapore nye branch... dia orang kata benda tu apply kat US aje. Dang... takde pon website tu kata "this rule applies to USA saja..."
okes... anywayz... thank you for the very2 useful legal advice :D
Nak dptkan refund susah skit kot sbb nnt diaorg kena balancekan balik sales yg diaorg dah tutup. Tapi kalau ko nak tukar product tu dengan product lain, 'mungkin' senang skit la kot.
actually...ko dah gi belum tanya kat kedai tu balik pasal benda ni semua either dia leh wat refund/exchange ke tak b4 going to all this trouble? ^_^
Sebab clearly, ko tak guna lagi benda tu n benda tu infonya ko dpt misleading dari kedai tu. Aku dulu masa kerja kat supermarket mmg ada kadang2 orang beli salah benda (mak dia pesan susu cap A, anak dia beli susu cap B) then kita leh tukarkan item tu based on the same price...kalau item baru tu harga dia kurang, ko kena la tambah item lagi bagi sama the total harga barang lama.
Tapi, tu ikut budi bicara gak la...(kalo sales assistant tu baik macam aku nak layan kerenah ko, ko dpt la tuka) ^_^
eh..silap..ko dah bedal satu scoop..aku lopa...ahaha...
aku dah tanya. dan kedai tu mmg macam tak nak kasik refund ataupun tukar :) tu yang aku nak go thru all this trouble.
tapi tu la.. nampak gaya macam tak berjaya je. sebab USA pon macam imply money back guarantee tu, macam each store yg tentukan aje?
tapi tu la... kat Website takde pon mention!!! :( Maroh aaa aku...
Another thing aku leh buat, is hantar balik ke USA benda ni... lepas tu dapatkan refund kat sana. Hua hua hua!!!
mahal ke weh ko beli? brp tu?
Lain kali bedal je la protein dari tau fu da :D
Ada cara lain,
Kau boleh rujuk Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna. Tempatnya aku tak tau. Ada laman web kot?
Setahu aku khidmatnya percuma.
Ada kes pelanggan beli barang elektrik cap AOWA 'under the impression' barang tu dari Jepun dan salesman pun cakap barang tu dari Jepun tetapi sebenarnya dari Taiwan. Sama ada barang tu masih elok atau tak, tak kisah pasal ia tetap bukan barang yang dia nak.Tribunal bagi penghakiman, orang tu dapat duit dia balik.
Kalau kau masih ingin berjuang, kau gi Tribunal dan tekankan bahawa salesgirl yang cakap barang tu halal. TETAPI kau juga kena buktikan barang tu haram. Yang pasti, bila bicara, salesgirl tu mesti kata "Aku tak cakap pun!".
Jadi, bersedialah.
okes Azwad :) thanks for more 'legal' advise :) Siap ada contoh kes lagi...
anywayz, basically aku dah dapat reply pun dari GNC, n basically mmg buleh dikatakan tak veggie safe pon... so halal pon patotnye tak la. Almost close to halal since dia guna fungal based enzyme. Tapi dia proses benda tu guna equipment sama yang proses benatang. So akan ada contamination la.
okes. nanti aku tengok sama ada dia orang kasik refund atau pun tak :) thanks again
Hi Alfian,
I bump into your blog by chance as i myself use blogger extensively. I was quite surprise reading what you claim in your blog that the GNC at
Sunway Carnival refuse you of your refund by saying "NO! WE WON'T GIVE YOU BACK YOUR MONEY JUST BECUZ YOU BOUGHT SOME PIG PRODUCT!!!" .... knowing the sales staff at Sunway Carnival and knowing GNC, their customer service is considerably quite professional and wouldn't quote such vulgar words.
I myself is a regular gym goer and has quite a few muslim friends who consume such protein. In fact, nobody is claiming that the protein are halal because as my understanding of halal, the source, the raw material, the production and process must be halal. So for products like whey protein, the source is actually cow's milk and usually are bought in tonnes, filtered and packed in overseas factory. I don't think they do sembahyang when they manufactured them. So how can it be halal at the first place?? Secondly i don't think there are any porcine products in the protein that you bought. It is quite unfair for you to defame the GNC store for saying such things and as well defaming the protein company for using porcine source. Thirdly, for a better understanding, GNC in our country is a franchised business and hence they have their say on setting certain rules e.g. refunds. It is the same as other franchised businesses like McD, KFC, etc. If you were to travel overseas, most of them are non-halal and if you make a complain on their halal thingy, i don't think they will bother to entertain you. But then again, you are asking for refund after you bought the product and did some research and noticed that it does not conformed to your halal standards. Just crossed my mind ..did you actually check and ask the sales staff whether the product is halal? As i know they won't say such things at all and if products are halal in Malaysia, they usually comes with the halal sticker on the product. Have you ever thought of milk products, whether the milk is halal? I am just exploring confident are you that the cow itself consume halal food and produced halal milk for our dairies product? It is really extremely confusing for a non-muslim like me to know. Lastly, after bragging at your blog as though it's mine, i think you should amend your original post as i sincerely think as a blogger, we owe our readers truthfulness in our writings ... and when i read your original posting, it sounded a bit over exaggerated. Thanks.
Hi Alfian,
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
You didn't offended me in anyway, no worries.
I was surprise on the way the local GNC franchisee handle your case. Sure hope its not repeated.
Anyway, sorry for my ignorance on the halal issues, quite confusing in a way but after your explanation i kind of get what you meant.
Thanks for spending the time to explain!
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