A question (again) about saf

Assalaam aleykom WBT. Ok, I got my religious-cap on now, and want to write about solat in particular. I think I've written about this topic way back when (tak ingat...), but recently, after seeing some over the top violations in the masjids and suraus, I thought I'd highlight this issue again so that it would benefit anyone or everyone, insyaAllaah...
Again, it's the topic about the saf in solat.
Straightening the saf - I believe the shoulders must be aligned, as well as the back of the feet? ... yes, ankle... ankle kena align. Basically quite straight forward. But sometimes, I see some people who purposely misalign their feet after getting up from the first prostration (sujud)... Why ek? Maybe depa tak tau kot...
Leaving no gaps - Ok, I too have just recently discovered how close the saf should be. And surprisingly, it shocked me because I've never even seen the so called ahli-ahli surau or AJK AJK masjid or Orang2 Pusat Islam practice this. From what I've learnt (from Ummah Films, friends, as well as a downloadable article from Rasul Dahri's website), it's supposed to be TOE to TOE, SHOULDER to SHOULDER! (I am sounding like Baba Ali... hehehe). The way I've been taught is, at most shoulder to shoulder. Never heard of the toe to toe thinggy. But after learning a bit from here and there, and insyaAllaah from reliable sources... memang betul la. It has to be like the picture at the top of this post... But of course, hard to find, as Malaysians takut duduk rapat2. Maybe tak selesa, dan maybe jugak... tak tau :) Tapi got also those yg give 'intelligent' arguments macam "Masjid besar... so no need to rapat rapat :P".... Now this one is marang perapu keponten marang skeper.... :D
Anywayz... just thought I'd write about this mainly because of these pics I managed to catch. This was the second wave of jemaahs who didn't make it to the first 'installation' of the zuhr prayers :) A bit too far don't you think for a proper saf? I think I read somewhere, when the saf ain't tight, the devil passes thru it like a goat walking thru, ...something... don't remember the exact hadith. But U believe it was sahih? Alim people out there, plz correct me :)
Anywayz... just thought I'd write about this mainly because of these pics I managed to catch. This was the second wave of jemaahs who didn't make it to the first 'installation' of the zuhr prayers :) A bit too far don't you think for a proper saf? I think I read somewhere, when the saf ain't tight, the devil passes thru it like a goat walking thru, ...something... don't remember the exact hadith. But U believe it was sahih? Alim people out there, plz correct me :)
Okes... just to share :D
If I have wronged in any way, please tegur and please correct me...
If I have wronged in any way, please tegur and please correct me...
Assalaam aleykom WBT
dulu2 kat sekolah dgn surau uni je buat saf betul...tapi kalo kat masjid / surau public memang payah nak dapat saf macam tu...aku rasa tu tugas pak imam utk terangkan masa start nak solat and of course bukanlah takat cakap "luruskan saf, jangan buka saf baru bla bla"
pengalaman aku kat Perlis dulu agak best, pak imam lama dia (skrg tukar imam baru) tiap2 kali nak sembahyang mesti ajar something b4 start sembahyang. Even b4 sembahyang raya dia ajar cara2 sembahyang raya dgn niatnya sekali coz takut ramai tatau.
so aku rasa, tugas imam la bgtau dan paling tak pun, tampal guide gambar kat mana2 lokasi best masjid/surau tu.
betui tu. mmg kerja imam. imam kat Bangi pon buat gak ajar orang camne solat raya... tapi aku rasa dia orang patot stresskan saf time solat berjemaah gak tui dok?
SEtakat cakap rapatkan saf je aku rasa tak cukup. macam aku, aku pon tak sure how rapat... yg aku tau based on bacaan2 je, dan harap2 betul la apa yg aku dah baca tu....
aku rasa imam kena kasik tau... berapa rapat is rapat... n cuba enforcekan. kalau tak jadik la macam gambar yg aku kasik tu.....
hari tu lagik best... aku tengok leh muat 2 kaki lagi... tu melampau sangat aku rasa. asal dia nak jarak sangat aku tak tau. padahal takde pulak orang yg kurap kaki ke, bersin2 dan batuk2 tanda H1N1 ke... dan sebagainya. heheheheh
Yg pasal gambar tu, aku mmg ada niat macam nak sebarkan risalah. kekekek. tapi nak make sure dulu la benda tu betul. kang main sebar je, tengok2 ajaran Ayah Peng... abishhh aku.
susah kalo kat public, sbbnya mcm ada comfort zone masing2 kan. nak rapat2 kang org lain plak kurg senang ngan kita.
satu lg, bila rapat sgt, nnt nak duduk tahiyat akhir asyik la terduduk atas kaki org. kesian tau, apakala kita ni plus size. kaki dilenyek pon lebih lg tension nya. bagaimana tu?
aku faham comfort zone nye kisah tu. dan aku jugak mmg pernah terfikir pasal time tahyat akhir terduduk atas kaki orang dan benda2 yg seangkatan dengannya :)
but basically, aku mmg dah test... kalau bukaan kaki tu dalam besar2 shoulder width, while at the same time shoulder pon touching (takde la sampai forcefully touching sampai nak masing2 macam nak berlawan sapa yg lagik kuat :P), mmg ok je time nak tahyat akhir utk solat yg lebih 2 rakaat**
Benda ni mmg actually tuntutan, but unfortunately tak pernah enforce kat banyak tempat (esp. in malaysia... setakat imam sebut je sebelum solat... which to me is macam melepaskan batuk di tangga. kekekek)
Anywayz... we try our best lah :D ada je cara nak kasik selesa. shoulder width opening of kaki... (for men la, women aku tak sure, tapi sama kot ye dok?)... and bahu rapat2 :) Macam dalam gambar kat atas tu... i've done this every time semayang sebelah budak2 jordan yg follow the salafs... dan alhamdulillaah, takde masalah and tahyat takde terduduk atas kaki orang :D
arigato :D
** aku tengok practice mazhab2 shafie lain, yg tak duduk tahyat akhir senget kalau solat 2 rakaat ke bawah... lepas tu aku check jumpa hadis yg kata Nabi Muhammad (SAW) dia tak duduk segent kalau silat tu 2 rakaat.... wallaahua'lam (can check the website that I gave... Rasul Dahri nye artikel tu)
silat pulak. Nabi mana ada silat ye dok? Solaat :D hehehe
solat itu mudah. di masjidil haram pun tak buat rapat kaki tu. shoulder yes. takperlu susahkan benda yang mudah.
point taken anonymous. aku pon dah mula nampak yg shoulder is the thing yg senang sikit nak 'repair'. kaki tu hanya kalau buleh saja :D
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