Try again next year Liverpool - sob sob...

I reckon this year will be the last for the reign of Rafa Benitez as Liverpool manager. Last night was very embarrassing as we "lost" to Stoke City... It was a draw though, where [STOKE 1-1 LIVERPOOL], but since Liverpool played soo soo bad, it's equal to a loss. Even though I turned on the tele at 61-minutes into the game, seeing the scoreline and the way Liverpool were playing, I knew the goal must have been a stroke of luck, or something NOT from a set-piece. Well, I was sorta right since it was very2 scarppy, and scored by a very unlikely player... Sotirios Kyrgiakos. Tp tak pe la, as long as they were leading. Sakit hati pon sakit hati la...
But then Stoke dok attack, attack and attack. Dah tak sedap hati dah. Especially when seeing Liverpool play worst than the Brunei team in the 1990's Malaysian Semi Pro league :'( ... Last sekali, in the 90th minute or so, Stoke equalized in what seemed to me, a deserved goal. Even as a Liverpool fan I say SYABBAS Stoke! Sumbat sebijik lagi biar padan muka Liverpool yg rasa2nya dah terlebih mabok dok bantai Carlsberg.
Anywayz, long story short... Liverpool drew. Even though Kuyt had a chance to win it in the dying seconds... memang dah takdir... his header hit the post. Nak buek camno? Okes... Liverpool, this year is a gonner already. Europa also looks unlikely one... Just concentrate on improving the team saja la. GET MOURINHO! GET MOURINHO! GET MOURINHO! (I am not an expert, hence I see this as a good solution...). And also... as my fren [Dr] Zaki Samsudin says... NGONG is very very the NGOK!
Gone are the days of:
Okes. Selamaat :D Plz enjoy the screen shots... and I literally mean screen shots :D
Okes. Selamaat :D Plz enjoy the screen shots... and I literally mean screen shots :D
After all that... tengok Bobby Chin - World Cafe Asia lagik best...
Masak tom yam udang mamat ni :D
Hehehhe tak po try lagi next season....jose mourinho tak bley g liverpool. Dia dah plan nak ganti ferguson muhahahahha....
Suruh jer Torres tu pindah g Man Utd. hehhehehe, jentera serangan Man Utd tengah tumpul ni......
Anyway, utk season ni ko sokong Man Utd jer lah okey hehehehe.....Biar Merah jangan Biru muhahahahaha
hahahah! aku rasa tu mmg pantang utk penyokong liverpool
tapi since aku ni pon bukan la orang England... aku mmg buleh sokong Man U sket sket. Lagipon, hati aku dah lembut sikit ke arah Man U sebb dah ada Michael Owen. hehehehe...
tapi camne pon, aku tengok ManU cara main best....
so aku rasa aku lah orang pertama dalam mesia... yg sokong dua dua...
GLORY MAN UNITED!!!! (separuh sokong je la... :P Owen kuar kalu, tak sokong dah. hehehehe)
tapi kalau dua2 lawan, Liverpool la aku sokong. kekekekekeke
Hati2 AJM tu penyokong Arsenal. Pagi tadi dia gelak2 liverpool seri hehehehe....
ohoo alpyan penyokong liverpool... laki aku pun penyokong liverpool. semlm dia beli bracelet liverpool bagi menaikkan semangat pasukan kegemarannya itu. :)
No problem, with Carlsberg gone next year, we'll finally win number 19. We should propose that they put 'Al-Sadiq' (Standard Chartered Islamic banking division) on our jerseys next year :)
yeah... that'd b good :) No more mabuk2 masa main resulting in kemenangan!!! hehehe. plus I think they'd be surprised that after so many years, their jersey profit will increase by leaps and bounds... heheheh insyaAllaah
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